Rapid Fourth Ring Roadin Zhengzhou
Time:Jan 27,2021Hits:Hits:-

The Rapid Fourth Ring Road and Dahe Road in Zhengzhou project was undertaken by HNRBI at the end of 2017 is composed of West Fourth Ring Road, South Fourth Ring Road, East Fourth Ring Road (formerly Sigang Linkage Avenue) and Dahe Road. The total length is about 93 kilometers, and the whole line is planned to control the width 180 meters. Among them, the West Fourth Ring Road, South Fourth Ring Road, and Dahe Road are planned as "Viaduct + Ground road" expressways, and the East Fourth Ring Road is planned as expressways to achieve rapid traffic. The project is a super large-scale urban three-dimensional transportation project with the largest investment scale and engineering volume, the latest construction mode and construction technology, and the highest requirements for overall coordination and implementation in Zhengzhou City and even in the whole province.

Rapid Fourth Ring Roadin Zhengzhou